Church Wide Prayer Meeting Dates:
Monday 6th: Quakertown 6:30pm Upper Room
Monday 13th: Quakertown 6:30 pm Upper Room
Monday 20th: Pennsburg 6:30pm
What Is Prayer & Fasting, Why Do We Do It?
The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor, and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian. When we fast, we set aside time to seek the Lord & align our heart and values to His.
There are three forms of fasting in the Bible:
1: A Full Fast:
This is when you go without food or water for a short period of time. Depending on your health this should only be attempted with medical supervision. We see examples of this type of fasting from Moses & Jesus.
2: A Normal Fast:
You go without food of any kind for a certain period of time. Drink plenty of water, you may also drink clear broth and juices.
3: A Partical Fast:
A partial fast can be interpreted in many ways. The way it cannot be interpreted is to include that time between about 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.—when you’re sleeping! A partial fast usually involves giving up particular foods and drink for an extended period of time. This is most commonly seen in the Daniel fast. Other examples in Scripture include a sun up to sun down fast.
21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting
At Morning Star we call for a twenty-one-day corporate fast at the start of every New Year. Everyone participates in some measure. Some may fast one day, others three days, some a week, some even the full twenty-one days. As a body, when we all fast together over that twenty-one-day period, God is honored, and He rewards that sacrifice corporately and individually.
What Did Jesus Teach On Fasting?
When we ask, “Why should I fast?” the simplest answer is, “Because Jesus said so.” If that was the only reason the bible gave us for fasting, it would be enough.
Jesus said, “The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.” (Luke 5:35, ESV)
Jesus also taught “But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting isn’ t obvious to others but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:17-18(CSB) When we fast with the right heart, Jesus promises a reward from the Father.
Rewards Are Ready To Be Released:
The scandals and corruption on the front pages of our newspapers and the gross perversion that is prevalent on every level of society tell us how much we need revival in this country.
How much more should we, as Christians, devote ourselves to fasting and prayer? God promised, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).
God does not lie. His promises are true; His rewards are waiting to be released, so what are we waiting for? It doesn’t matter how dark the hour is or what is going on in the White House or overseas. God rules and reigns above all those things.