Week 4

Jonathancavalieri   -  

Day 1 –  The Consequences of Dishonesty

Read Acts 5:1-11

In Acts 5:1-11, we see the story of Ananias and Sapphira, who sold some land and gave a portion of the proceeds to the apostles. However, they kept back some of the money for themselves, while pretending to give the full amount. When Peter confronts Ananias about his dishonesty, Ananias falls down dead.

This passage teaches us about the importance of honesty and the consequences of dishonesty. Ananias and Sapphira’s deception was not just against the apostles, but against God himself. Their actions showed a lack of trust in God’s provision and a desire for personal gain. The consequences of their actions were severe, serving as a warning to others about the danger of dishonesty.

Reflection: This passage challenges us to examine our own attitudes toward honesty and integrity. It reminds us of the importance of being truthful and transparent in our relationships, both with others and with God. We must be willing to trust in God’s provision and resist the temptation to prioritize our own desires over God’s will.

Additionally, this passage reminds us of the seriousness of sin and the need for repentance. Ananias and Sapphira’s deception had severe consequences, but there is always an opportunity for forgiveness and restoration through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help us to prioritize honesty and integrity in all of our actions and relationships. May we trust in your provision and resist the temptation to prioritize our own desires over your will. Help us to recognize the seriousness of sin and the importance of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Reflection questions:

  1. In what areas of our lives do we struggle with honesty and integrity? How can we address these areas and cultivate a greater commitment to truthfulness?
  2. How can we cultivate a greater trust in God’s provision and resist the temptation to prioritize our own desires over God’s will?
  3. What steps can we take to regularly examine our hearts and seek forgiveness and restoration when we fall short of God’s standards?


Day 2 – The Power of God at Work in His Church

Read Acts 5:12-16 

In Acts 5:12-16, we see how the Lord was working through the apostles to perform signs and wonders among the people. Multitudes of people were being added to the church, and even those who were too afraid to join were still in awe of the power of God at work.

This passage teaches us about the power of God that is available to his church. Through the apostles, God was performing miraculous signs and wonders, drawing people to himself and building up his church. This power was not something that the apostles possessed on their own, but was given to them by God’s grace and for his purposes.

As we reflect on this passage, we are reminded that the power of God is still at work in his church today. While we may not see the same kind of miraculous signs and wonders that the apostles did, we can still trust in the power of God to transform lives and build up his church.

Furthermore, this passage challenges us to consider our role in being instruments of God’s power in the world today. How can we be vessels of God’s grace and love, bringing healing and hope to those around us? How can we rely on God’s power rather than our own strength to accomplish his purposes?

Lord, we thank you for the power that is available to your church through your Holy Spirit. Help us to rely on your strength and grace to accomplish your purposes in the world. May we be instruments of your love and healing, bringing hope to those who are in need. We ask that you would continue to work in and through your church, building up your kingdom and transforming lives for your glory. Amen.

Reflection questions:

In what ways have you seen the power of God at work in your own life or in the lives of others? How has this impacted your faith and trust in God?

How can you be a vessel of God’s power and grace in your own community? What practical steps can you take to share God’s love and healing with those around you?

How can we as a church rely more fully on the power of God to accomplish his purposes in the world? What changes might we need to make in our attitudes and actions in order to better align ourselves with his will and his power?

Day 3 –  The Cost of Faithfulness

Read Acts 5:17-32

In Acts 5:17-32, we see the apostles being arrested and brought before the high priest and council. Despite the threat of persecution and imprisonment, the apostles boldly proclaim the message of Jesus and refuse to be silenced. They declare that they must obey God rather than men, even if it means facing the consequences of their faithfulness.

This passage teaches us about the cost of faithfulness in following Jesus. The apostles were willing to face persecution and even death for the sake of the gospel, demonstrating their deep commitment to Jesus and their willingness to obey him above all else.

This passage challenges us to consider the cost of faithfulness in our own lives. Are we willing to follow Jesus even if it means facing persecution, opposition, or other challenges? Are we willing to put aside our own desires and priorities and submit to God’s will, even if it goes against what society or culture may tell us?

Additionally, this passage reminds us of the importance of boldness and courage in sharing the message of Jesus. The apostles were not afraid to speak out and declare the truth, even in the face of opposition. As followers of Jesus, we too are called to boldly proclaim his message, even if it is unpopular or goes against the cultural norms.

Lord, give us the courage and boldness to follow you faithfully, even if it means facing challenges or persecution. Help us to put aside our own desires and priorities and submit to your will, no matter the cost. May we boldly proclaim your message and demonstrate our deep commitment to you. Amen.

Reflection questions:

In what ways are we being called to follow Jesus faithfully, even if it means facing challenges or opposition? How can we prepare ourselves for these challenges and remain steadfast in our commitment to Jesus?

What are some areas where we may be tempted to prioritize our own desires or conform to societal norms, rather than submitting to God’s will? How can we resist these temptations and remain faithful to Jesus?

How can we cultivate a greater boldness and courage in sharing the message of Jesus with those around us, even in the face of opposition or unpopularity? What steps can we take to prepare ourselves for these situations?


Day 4 – Responding to Persecution with Faith and Joy

Read Acts 5:33-42

In Acts 5:33-42, we see the reaction of the high priest and council to the apostles’ bold proclamation of Jesus. They were outraged and wanted to put the apostles to death. However, a respected teacher of the law named Gamaliel counseled caution, reminding them of previous uprisings that had ultimately failed. The apostles are flogged and released, and they respond by rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus.

This passage teaches us about the apostles’ response to persecution. Despite facing physical punishment and the threat of death, they remained steadfast in their faith and rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake. They trusted in God’s sovereignty and recognized that persecution was not something to be feared, but rather an opportunity to demonstrate their faith and commitment to Jesus.

Reflection: This passage challenges us to consider how we respond to persecution and suffering in our own lives. Do we view it as a threat to be avoided at all costs, or as an opportunity to demonstrate our faith and trust in God? Are we willing to endure hardship for the sake of Jesus, knowing that he has promised to be with us always?

Furthermore, this passage reminds us of the importance of faith and joy in the face of persecution. The apostles did not respond with anger or bitterness, but with a deep sense of joy and gratitude that they were counted worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake. How can we cultivate this same attitude in our own lives, even in the midst of hardship and difficulty?

Prayer: Lord, help us to respond to persecution and suffering with faith and joy, knowing that you are with us always. May we trust in your sovereignty and recognize that even in difficult times, you are working all things for our good. Give us the courage and strength to remain steadfast in our faith, even when facing opposition or persecution. Amen.

Reflection questions:

  1. In what ways can we cultivate a deeper trust in God’s sovereignty, even in the midst of difficult circumstances? How can we remind ourselves of his faithfulness and love towards us?
  2. How can we develop a mindset of joy and gratitude in the face of persecution and suffering? What steps can we take to cultivate this attitude in our daily lives?
  3. How can we support and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ who may be facing persecution or hardship? What practical ways can we demonstrate our love and support for them during these difficult times?

Day 5 – Chapter Reflection 

The fifth chapter of Acts continues the narrative of the early church, and specifically focuses on the response of the religious leaders to the growing influence of the apostles and the message they preached.

One of the most striking aspects of this chapter is the contrast between the generosity and selflessness of the early church members and the greed and deception of Ananias and Sapphira. The story of their deceitful actions and their tragic end serves as a warning to all believers of the danger of putting personal gain above integrity and honesty.

Another key theme of this chapter is the ongoing conflict between the religious authorities and the apostles. Despite the threats and persecution they faced, the apostles continued to boldly proclaim the message of Jesus and to perform signs and wonders among the people. This unwavering commitment to their faith and their mission is a powerful example to all believers of the importance of standing firm in the face of opposition and adversity.

Additionally, the miraculous healings and signs performed by the apostles in this chapter demonstrate the power of God at work in the early church. These signs and wonders drew many people to the message of the gospel, and served as a testimony to the truth of their message.

Overall, Acts 5 serves as a reminder to all believers of the importance of integrity, courage, and faithfulness in the face of opposition and persecution. It also highlights the power of God at work in the early church, and encourages us to trust in his power and provision as we continue to spread the message of the gospel in our own time.

Ultimately, the life application of Acts chapter 5 is to seek to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to God and to trust in his power and provision as we seek to fulfill our calling as his ambassadors in the world.

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways do the actions of Ananias and Sapphira serve as a warning to us as believers? How can we guard against the temptation to put personal gain above integrity and honesty?
  2. How does the ongoing conflict between the religious authorities and the apostles in this chapter inspire and challenge us in our own faith journey? What lessons can we learn from their unwavering commitment to their mission?
  3. How have you experienced the power of God at work in your own life or in the life of your church community? How can we continue to rely on his power and provision as we seek to spread the message of the gospel to those around us?